This article contains documentation for the Company Admin web service, all related API calls, and possible errors.
You can use Ctrl+F to search for the required error message.
For more information about Web Services, refer to the Introduction to Web Services.
This web service includes the following methods:
- getGroups
- createGroup
- updateGroup
- deleteGroups
- getWorkers
- getWorkerByName
- getWorkersByName
- createWorker
- updateWorker
- createOrUpdateWorker
- deleteWorker
- getDevices
- getDevice
- createDevice
- updateDevice
- createOrUpdateDevice
- deleteDevice
- linkDeviceToWorker
- getDivisions
Also, the description of all Interface Objects is added as a final section of the article.
Returns all available groups, including parent, children hierarchy, and profile name to the calling user.
Note: The getDivisions API does not return the parent and children hierarchy information and returns only the group names.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
Data Type |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Return Result |
SvGroupExt[] |
No |
Returns an array of SvGroupExt objects. If no groups are found, an empty array is returned. |
This API will provide the ability to create a new group, and assign a parent group and a profile (if feature available) for the company. The new group will automatically be associated with all alerts configured for the new group's parent.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
Data Type |
Can be Null? |
Description |
group |
SvGroup |
No |
Group to be created |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object indicating success or failure. |
Validation Errors
Error Code |
Error Message |
1 |
The input group is null/empty |
2 |
Group name must be populated |
3 |
Duplicate group name not allowed |
4 |
Group name must not exceed 50 characters |
5 |
No group exists with the given parent group name - <parentGroupName> |
6 |
No profile exists with the given name - <profileName> |
7 |
Parent Group is not associated with the user's role - <rolename> |
8 |
Comma not allowed in group name. |
This API will provide the ability to update an existing group, assign or change a parent group and profile (if the feature is available).
When a group is moved from one parent group to another parent group, all alerts linked to the new parent group are linked to the group being moved.
At the same time this group gets disassociated with all alerts which are linked with the old parent group. If the parent is not associated with an alert and the child group is, then the group remains associated with the alert.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
Data Type |
Can be Null? |
Description |
group |
SvGroup |
No |
Group to be updated. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object indicating success or failure. |
Validation Errors
Error Code |
Error Message |
1 |
The input group is null/empty |
2 |
Group name must be populated |
3 |
Duplicate group name not allowed |
4 |
Group name must not exceed 50 characters |
5 |
Group not found with the name provided - <groupName> |
6 |
No group exists with the given parent group name - <parentGroupName> |
7 |
No profile exists with the given name - <profileName> |
8 |
Comma not allowed in group name |
9 |
Group - <parentGroupName> is the child of - <existingGroupName> and cannot be made the parent. |
10 |
Group cannot be parent of itself |
11 |
No such group exists or is associated with the user’s role |
12 |
No such parent group exists or is associated with the user’s role |
This API will provide the ability to delete group/s. A maximum of 100 groups could be passed in a single call
Method Signature
Ordinal |
Data Type |
Can be Null? |
Description |
groups |
String[] |
No |
Array of group name/s to be deleted |
Return Result |
SvGroupResult[] |
No |
An array of SvGroupResult objects indicating success or failure for each group. |
Validation Errors
Error Code |
Error Message |
1 |
The input array is null/empty |
2 |
No group exists with the given name |
3 |
Unable to delete the group because it has active users, sub-groups, geofences, forms, job types and landmarks associated with it. |
4 |
Maximum of 100 groups should be passed in the input. |
The getWorkers() service method provides the ability to query for all workers in a company.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Return Result |
SvWorker[] |
No |
An array of SvWorker instances. |
Expected behaviors
- All workers (except deleted) are returned by this service call.
- Each SvWorker has a boolean active flag that indicates if the worker/user is active in Field Force Manager. A worker/user must be active to log in.
- Each SvWorker is assigned to a security group. The caller needs to inspect these values in order to determine the role of the worker. For example, Operations users (Mission Control) cannot be assigned jobs, etc. To assign jobs to workers, the SvWorker's security group must indicate they are mobile workers.
This web service allows the retrieval of a worker by the worker's username. It is assumed that the worker name that is input is unique within the company.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
workerName |
String |
No |
The username of the worker to retrieve. |
Return Result |
SvWorker |
No |
A fully populated SvWorker object if the worker is found. Otherwise null is returned. |
Validation Errors
“Worker name must be supplied.” – thrown if the worker name is blank or null.
(String[] workerNameArray)
This web service allows the retrieval of a set of workers by username. It is assumed that the worker names are unique within the company. Note that the size of the returned array may be different than the size of the input array if one or more workers are not found.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
workerNameArray |
String[] |
No |
An array of usernames to retrieve. |
Return Result |
SvWorker |
No |
For each worker that is found, a fully populated SvWorker object will be returned in the corresponding array element. If no workers are found, an empty array is returned. |
Validation Errors
“The worker name array cannot be null.” – thrown if the array is null or empty.
“Worker name must be supplied.” – thrown if an array element is blank or null.
The createWorker web service method will create a new worker in Field Force Manager.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Worker |
SvWorker |
No |
An SvWorker instance describing the details of how to create/update the worker. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The updateWorker web service method updates an existing worker. If the worker does not exist in Field Force Manager, an error is returned. Only fields specified in the SvWorker object will be updated. All other fields will remain with their previous values.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Worker |
SvWorker |
No |
An SvWorker instance describing the details of how to create/update the worker. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The createOrUpdateWorker web service method will create a new worker if the worker doesn't already exist. In this case, it will be subject to the same validation rules as createWorker. If the worker already exists, that worker will be updated in the same way as in the updateWorker method.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Worker |
SvWorker |
No |
An SvWorker instance describing the details of how to create the company. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The deleteWorker webservice method will delete an existing worker. The worker must have no active jobs assigned to them.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Username |
String |
No |
The username of the user to be deleted. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
deviceType | String | The type of device. Must be valid selection for your Field Force Manager package. Required for createDevice. |
description | String |
Description. Required for createDevice. |
serialNumber | String |
Serial number of the device. AutoGenerated |
softwareVersion | String |
String representing the current Field Force Manager software version on the device. Read only. |
lastIPAddress | String |
Last known IP address of the device. Read only. |
createdDateTime | SvDate |
Date device was created. Read only. |
activatedDateTime | SvDate |
Activation date/time of the device. Read only. |
currentlyLinkedTo | String |
workerName of the worker currently linked to the device. Read only |
deviceIdentifier | String |
The device identifier assigned to the device. Could be a phone number, IP address, etc. Must be unique in the system. Required for createDevice. |
errorCode | Integer | The error code. 0 if no error |
errormessage | String | The error message |
goodResult | Boolean | True if successful, False otherwise |
streetAddress | String | The address line(s) |
apt | String | The suite or apartment |
city | String | The city |
state | String | The State |
zip | String | The Zip code |
country | String | The country |
Error Messages
0 |
Invalid device type. Type specified does not exist in the system. description is required. |
SvDevice[] getDevices()
The getDevices method will retrieve a list of all devices in the system for a company.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Worker |
SvWorker |
No |
An SvWorker instance describing the details of how to create/update the worker. |
Return Result |
SvDevice |
No |
Device information. |
The getDevice web service method will retrieve information about a Device by its phone number.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Return Result |
SvDevice |
No |
Device information. |
The createDevice web service method will create a new device in Field Force Manager.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Device |
SvDevice |
No |
Populate the required device fields. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The updateDevice web service method updates an existing device. If the device does not exist in Field Force Manager, an error is returned. Only fields specified in the SvDevice object will be updated. All other fields will remain with their previous values.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Device |
SvDevice |
No |
Populate the required device fields. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The createOrUpdateDevice web service method will create a new device if the device doesn't exist. In this case, it will be subject to the same validation rules as createDevice. If the device already exists, that device will be updated in the same way as in the updateDevice method.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Device |
SvDevice |
No |
Populate the required device fields. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The deleteDevice webservice method will delete an existing device. The device must have no active jobs assigned to it.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Device |
deviceIdentifier |
No |
The phone number or IP address of the device. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
The linkDeviceToWorker web service method will create a new device in Field Force Manager. The specified username will be linked to the device represented by the specified phone number.
If the device has previously been linked to a worker, linkDeviceToWorker will override the current setting and reassign the device to the worker specified.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
deviceIdentifier |
String |
No |
The device identifier (may be a phone number, IP address, etc.) of the device to be linked. This device must already exist in the system. |
workerName |
String |
No |
The workerName of the mobile worker to be linked. The user must already exist in the system, and must have a valid Mobile Worker security role. |
Return Result |
SvResult |
No |
Returns an SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method call. |
This service returns all Groups/Divisions available to the calling user.
Method Signature
Ordinal |
DataType |
Can be Null? |
Description |
Return Result |
SvDivision[] |
No |
Returns an array of SvDivision instances based on security role of the web service user. If no divisions are found, an empty array is returned. Each SvDivision instance holds the name of a division. |
Interface Objects
Can be Null?
firstName | String | Yes | The first name of the worker. Either the first and last name must be populated or the preferred name must be populated. |
middleName | String | Yes | The middle name of the worker. |
lastName | String | Yes |
The last name of the worker. Either the first and last name must be populated or the preferred name must be populated. |
preferredName | String | Yes | The preferred name of the worker. |
userName | String | No | The username of the worker. Must be unique within the company. Required for both createWorker and updateWorker. |
divisionName | String | No | The division of the worker. Required for createWorker. |
securityRoleName | String | No |
The name of the security role of the worker. Can be either a custom security role or one of the following: Mobile Worker, Operations, Company Administrator, Super User, WebService. |
timeZone | String | No | The time zone of the worker. Must be one of the following: US/Samoa, US/Aleutian, US/Hawaii, US/Alaska, US/Pacific, US/Arizona, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/East-Indiana, US/Eastern, US/Indiana-Starke, US/Michigan. Defaults to the company time zone if the time zone is not specified. |
address |
The address of the worker. |
pin |
String |
No | The pin for a mobile worker. Must be numeric and between 4 and 10 characters and must be unique. Will be automatically generated if not set. |
password |
String |
No |
The password for the web portal. |
mobilephoneNumber |
String |
Yes |
The worker's mobile phone number. Required for createWorker. |
otherPhoneNumber |
String |
Yes |
Alternate phone number. |
faxNumber | String | Yes | The worker's fax number. |
emailAddress |
String |
Yes |
The worker's e-mail address. |
smsAddress |
String | Yes |
The worker's SMS address. |
notificationMechanism | String | Yes | How the worker prefers to be notified with information. This setting is used, for example, by the Alert Engine to notify the recipient of an alert. Must be one of the following: email, SMS, Field Force Manager Message. |
notifyOfSystemMaintenance | Boolean | Yes | Registers a worker to be notified of system maintenance via the preferred notification mechanism. |
sendWhatsNewMail |
Boolean | Yes |
Registers a worker to receive “what's new” information. |
IVR Auth Number | String | Yes | The 10-digit phone number by which the PowerTalk system authenticates IVR callers. |
Return Result | SvResult | No | Returns an SvResult object that indicates the success or failure of the method. |
errorCode | Integer | The error code. 0 if no error. |
errorMessage | String | The error message |
goodResult | Boolean | True if successful; otherwise, False |
streetAddress | String | The address line(s) |
apt | String | The suite or apartment |
city | String | The city |
State | String | The state |
zip | String | The zip code |
Error Messages
Error Code |
Error Message |
1 |
The worker does not exist in the database (only set for updateWorker) |
2 |
Cannot update worker. Unexpected error occurred. |
3 |
Cannot delete worker. Unexpected error occurred. |
4 |
Invalid PIN specified. Must be numeric, must be between 4 and 10 characters long, and must be unique. |
5 |
Password field must be non-null and not empty. |
6 |
Either the first and last name must be populated or the preferred name must be populated. |
7 |
The input time zone is not valid. |
8 |
securityGroupName is required; or Invalid security group name. |
9 |
Username must be populated. |
10 |
Username must be unique within the company. |
11 |
Cannot auto-generate pin. |
12 |
Worker type code not valid. |
13 |
Division name was empty or division not found. |
14 |
IVR authentication number must only contain numeric values or IVR authentication number already exists for another worker. |
15 |
Attempt to delete worker with assigned active jobs. |
16 |
Workers cannot delete themselves. |
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
name |
String |
Name of the division |
parentDivisionName |
String |
Name of its parent division (if any) |
childDivisions |
SvDivisionExt[] |
Child divisions as array of SvDivisionExt |
profileName |
String |
Name of the profile associated with the division(if any) |
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
existingGroupName |
String |
Not applicable for createGroup API. Mandatory for updateGroup API. |
newGroupName |
String |
Name of the group. Mandatory for createGroup API. Optional for updateGroup API. |
parentGroupName |
String |
Optional. Name of its parent group to be associated with. To remove a parent for a group, the value for the newGroupName should be set as No parent group. |
profileName |
String |
Optional. Name of the profile to be associated with; if profile feature exists, else this property will be ignored. To disassociate a profile for the group, the value for the newProfileName must be No profile. |
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
groupName |
String |
Name of the group provided in the input. |
errorCode |
int |
The error code 0 if no error |
errorMessage |
String |
The error message corresponding to the input group name. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
errorCode |
int |
The error code. 0 if no error |
errorMessage |
String |
The error message |
goodResult |
String |
Success Message |
SvJobServiceResult (subclass of SvResult)
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
errorCode |
int |
The error code. 0 if no error |
errorMessage |
String |
The error message |
jobReferenceNumber |
String |
The reference number of the job |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
updatedActions |
SvJobAction[] |
The updated actions |
svJob |
SvJob |
The job associated with the actions |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
timecardName |
String |
The timecard name. Will be null if this action is not a timecard action. Timecard action names include: Login, Logout, Start Shift, Start Break, End Break, End Shift and Ad-Hoc Form. |
executionDateTime |
SvDate |
Timestamp of when the user action was performed. Note that this is the timestamp logged by the device. Due to network latency or cell coverage issues, the service may not actually receive the user action until much later, so this value may be before the date range of the service query. |
workerName |
String |
The name of the worker who completed the action |
location |
SvLocation |
Where the action was performed. May be null |
form |
SvForm |
Form data collected for the action. May be null |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
actionId |
String |
An Id which uniquely identifies a timecard action. |
actionName |
String |
The timecard name. Will be null if this action is not a timecard action. Timecard action names include: Login, Logout, Start Shift, Start Break, End Break, End Shift and Ad-Hoc Form. |
executionDateTime |
SvDate |
Timestamp of when the user action was performed. Note that this is the timestamp logged by the device. Due to network latency or cell coverage issues, the service may not actually receive the user action until much later, so this value may be before the date range of the service query. |
workerName |
String |
The name of the worker that completed the action. |
location |
SvLocation |
Where the action was performed. May be null. |
form |
SvForm |
Form data collected for the action. May be null. |
subject |
String |
The subject of the message. This is a required field. |
body |
SvDate |
The message body. |
creatorUsername |
String |
The username of the sender of the message. If the creatorUsername is empty, the message will be sent on behalf of the Field Force Manager system. |
recipientUsernames |
String[] |
name of the intended recipients of the message. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
timecardName |
String |
The shift name. Is one of the following: On Duty, On Break, Off Duty, Logged In |
workerName |
String |
The name of the worker who's timesheet it is. |
startDate |
SvDate |
Timestamp of when the shift was started |
endDate |
SvDate |
Timestamp of when the shift was ended. Can be null if the shift has not ended. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
name |
String |
The name of the job action |
dateTime |
SvDate |
Timestamp of when the job action was performed |
workerName |
String |
The name of the worker that completed the action |
location |
SvLocation |
Where the action was performed. May be null |
form |
SvForm |
Form data collected with the job action. May be null |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
formName |
String |
The form name |
formData[] |
SvFormField[] |
The list of form fields |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
fieldName |
String |
The name of the field |
fieldValue |
String |
The value of the field as completed by the mobile worker. If the field is a picture or signature field, then the value of the form field will have the MIME type and Base64 encoded bytes information. E.g. jpeg | <Base64 encoded bytes> or application/octet-stream | <Base64 encoded bytes> |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
referenceNumber |
String |
Reference number of the work item. This must be unique in Field Force Manager (even among deleted work items). Reference number is used to link a work item existing in Field Force Manager to an external system. This field cannot be null. |
description |
SvString |
Description for the work item (work to be done). This is commonly referred to as the job name. This field is displayed on the device. This field can be null. The reference number is shown on the device if this field is null. |
workerName |
SvString |
Worker assigned (or to be assigned) to this work item. |
divisionName |
SvString |
Division assignment for this job. |
workItemTypeName |
SvString |
WorkItemTypeName for this job. Cannot be null. WorkItemType specified must exist in Field Force Manager and be linked to the company. |
priority |
SvString |
(Emergency | High | Medium | Low) |
status |
SvString |
Current status string of the job (Assigned | Unassigned | Retrieved | Active | Expired | Terminated) |
scheduledStartTime |
SvDate |
Scheduled start date and time for the work item. Can be null. Must be in UTC. |
scheduledEndTime |
SvDate |
Scheduled end date and time for the work item. Can be null. Must be in UTC. |
actualStartTime |
SvDate |
Actual start date and time for the work item. Will be null until the work item is completed. Must be in UTC. |
actualEndTime |
SvDate |
Actual end date and time for the work item. Will be null until the work item is completed. Must be in UTC. |
deletedDateTime |
SvDate |
Date and time in UTC when the object is soft deleted. |
customerTypeCode |
SvString |
Code for custom category. |
jobCategoryCode |
SvString |
Code for job category. |
location |
SvLocation |
Location of the work item. |
attributes |
SvJobAttribute[] |
Array of attribute data for the job. |
actions |
SvJobAction[] |
Array of actions for the job. |
SvJobExt- SubClass of SvJob
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
referenceNumber |
String |
Reference number of the work item. Must be unique in Field Force Manager (even among deleted work items). Reference number is used to link a work item existing in Field Force Manager to an external system. This field cannot be null. |
description |
SvString |
Description for the work item (work to be done). This is commonly referred to as the job name. This field displays on the device in lists. This field can be null. The reference number is shown on the device if this field is null. |
workerName |
SvString |
Worker assigned (or to be assigned) to this work item. |
divisionName |
SvString |
Division assignment for this job. |
workItemTypeName |
SvString |
WorkItemTypeName for this job. Cannot be null. WorkItemType specified must exist in Field Force Manager and be linked to the company. |
priority |
SvString |
(Emergency | High | Medium | Low) |
status |
SvString |
Current status string of the job (Assigned | Unassigned | Retrieved | Active | Expired | Terminated) |
scheduledStartTime |
SvDate |
Scheduled start date and time for the work item. Can be null. Must be in UTC. |
scheduledEndTime |
SvDate |
Scheduled end date and time for the work item. Can be null. Must be in UTC. |
actualStartTime |
SvDate |
Actual start date and time for the work item. Will be null until the work item is completed. Must be in UTC. |
actualEndTime |
SvDate |
Actual end date and time for the work item. Will be null until the work item is completed. Must be in UTC. |
deletedDateTime | SvDate | Date time in UTC when the object is soft deleted. |
customerTypeCode | SvString | Code for the customer category. |
jobCategoryCode | SvString | Code for job category. |
location | SvLocation |
Location of the work item. |
attributes |
SvJobAttribute[] |
Array of attribute data for the job. |
actions | SvJobAction[] | Array of actions for the job. |
locationName | String |
Name of the location. In createJob API is used, location will be created. If newLocation = true, then location name is mandatory. In get Jobs API, if job is associated with a location, response will have location name. Available from JobService 0.0.3 or later. |
locationReferenceNumber | String |
The unique number used to create location. In get Jobs API, if job is associated with a location, response will have location reference number. Available from JobService 0.0.3 or later. |
newLocation | boolean |
Used to specify whether to create new location or not in create job APIs. Available from JobService 0.0.3 or later. |
SvcJob - SubClass of SvJobExt
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
dispatcherId |
SvString |
The dispatcher Id of the job |
serviceOrganizationId |
SvString |
The service organization id of the company for which job needs to be created. |
createdDateTime |
SvDate |
Not Required to specify, it will return the date and time when the job was created |
rejectedDateTime |
SvDate |
Not Required to specify, it will return the rejected datetime of the job if it has been rejected |
rejectReason |
SvString |
Not Required to specify, it will return the rejected reason of the job if it has been rejected |
jobSkills |
SvString[] |
Job skills of the worker |
suspendedTime |
SvString |
Not required to specify, it gives the total suspended time that was done on the job. |
timeOnJob |
SvString |
Not required to specify, it gives the total actual time spent to complete the job. |
totalTime |
SvString |
Not required to specify, it gives the total time taken to complete the job. |
jobPattern |
SvString |
Not required to specify, tells either its a One Time Job or Always Available Job |
connectionId |
SvString |
Not required to specify, the unique identification for the company |
emailId |
SvString |
The valid format of email id that the job needs to be associated |
jobStatus |
SvString |
Provides the status of the job: Assigned, Unassigned, Retrieved, Active, Completed or Expired. |
jobDetailsURL |
SvString |
The URL which takes to view the details (pdf) of the job. |
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
updatedActions |
SvJobAction[] |
The updated actions |
svcJob |
SvcJob |
The job associated with the actions |
SvcJobExt- SubClass of SvcJob (v0.0.4)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
jobDescription |
SvString |
Description for the job |
sendToDeviceDate |
SvDate |
The send to device date for the job when it can be downloaded on the device. |
invoiceDetail |
SvInvoiceDetail |
The parts that were submitted as part of completing this job. |
SvInvoiceDetail (v0.0.4)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
invoicePartsDetails |
SvInvoicePartsDetail |
All the parts that were used to complete the job. |
totalPartsCost |
Float |
The total cost of all the parts. |
totalLaborCost |
Float |
The labor cost added to the invoice while completing the job. |
taxRate |
Float |
Any tax rate that was issued for the used parts. |
totalCost |
Float |
The total cost of parts labor and tax |
currency |
String |
The currency used to do the billing (e.g., $) |
SvInvoicePartsDetail (v0.0.4)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
partName |
String |
The part name which was used to perform the job. |
quantity |
int |
The number of parts used to perform the job. |
totalPrice |
String |
The total price with the quantity per unit price |
unitPrice |
String |
The price of each part. |
partNumber |
String |
The unique part number used to identify the part. |
SvcJob5- SubClass of SvcJob (v0.0.5)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
jobDescription |
SvString |
Description for the job |
sendToDeviceDate |
SvDate |
The send to device date for the job when it can be downloaded on the device. |
invoiceDetail5 |
SvInvoiceDetail |
The parts that were submitted as part of completing this job. |
SvInvoiceDetail5 (v0.0.5)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
invoicePartsDetails5 |
SvInvoicePartsDetail5 |
All the parts that were used to complete the job. |
totalPartsCost |
Double |
The total cost of all the parts. |
totalLaborCost |
Double |
The labor cost added to the invoice while completing the job. |
taxCost |
Double |
Total tax for the used parts. |
totalCost |
Double |
The total cost of parts labor and tax |
currency |
String |
The currency used to do the billing (e.g., $) |
SvInvoicePartsDetail5 (v0.0.5)
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
partName |
String |
The part name which was used to perform the job. |
quantity |
Float |
The number of parts used to perform the job. |
totalPrice |
String |
The total price with the quantity per unit price |
unitPrice |
String |
The price of each part. |
partNumber |
String |
The unique part number used to identify the part. |
taxRate |
Double |
Tax percentage for the part. |
labor |
Boolean |
Indicates that the part is of the labor type. |
Field |
Data Type |
Comments |
updatedActions |
SvJobAction[] |
The updated actions |
job |
SvcJobExt |
The job associated with the actions |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
Name |
String |
Name of job attribute. |
Value |
String |
Value for job attribute. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
name |
String |
Name of the company |
companyId |
String |
Identifier that uniquely identifies the company in Field Force Manager. This is the id required to log into the website. |
companyIdentifier |
String |
GUID that uniquely identifies the company in Field Force Manager. This identifier can be used programmatically but is not considered usable for humans. |
divisions |
SvDivision[] |
Array of SvDivision |
packageName |
String |
Name of the package supported by this company for licensing purposes. |
adminWorker |
SvWorker |
Administrative worker (of type SvWorker) that is passed during calls to createCompany. Otherwise, this parameter should be null. |
location |
SvLocation |
SvLocation instance describing the location of this company. This parameter can be null |
companyUrl |
String |
URL for the company. This parameter can be null. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
dateString |
String |
String representation of a date. This type is used to provide a date using an underlying string type. This is done since some clients cannot pass dates as null values. The format must be: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS E.g., February 22, 2004 at 2:30PM should be represented as 2004-02-22 14:10:00.000 |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
name |
String |
Name of the division |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
Latitude |
double |
Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface |
Longitude |
double |
Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface |
positionCoordinateSystem |
String |
coverageStatus |
int |
0 = Valid GPS position attained |
heading |
double |
Heading associated with this position |
headingCoordinateSystem |
String |
dateTime |
SvDate |
Device time when the GPS position is collected in UTC. If the devices are in different time zone then convert the device time to UTC before submitting. |
workerName |
String |
Username of the worker |
speed |
double |
Speed at which the worker is traveling |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
address |
SvAddress |
Address corresponding to the GPS position. This may be null |
position |
SvGpsPosition |
Position corresponding to the address. This may be null |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
streetAddress |
String |
Street address |
apt |
String |
Suite number |
city |
String |
City |
state |
String |
State |
zip |
String |
Postal code |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
username |
String |
Login name for the user |
password |
String |
Password (used only for creating an admin user in createCompany) |
firstName |
String |
Worker first name |
lastName |
String |
Worker last name |
preferredName |
String |
Worker preferred name |
address |
SvAddress |
Address for the worker |
phoneNumber |
String |
Phone number for the worker |
mobileNumber |
String |
Mobile phone number for the worker |
faxNumber |
String |
FAX number for the worker |
emailAddr |
String |
Email address for the worker |
divisionName |
String |
Name of the division to which the worker currently belongs |
activeStatus |
Boolean |
Defines if the user is active in Field Force Manager (only active users can log in) |
securityGroupName |
String |
Security group to which the user currently belongs (Operations | Mobile Worker) |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
Name |
String |
The Name of the Location |
landmarkType |
String |
The type of the Location |
Location |
svLocation |
The object of the address |
Divisions |
svDivisions |
An array of svDivision |
Referencenumber |
String |
The unique number used to update locations |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
circleCenterCoordinate |
SvCoordinate |
GPS Object |
circleRadiusMiles |
Double |
Size of circular workzone |
workzoneType |
String |
Type of the work zone. Circular or Polygon or Rectangle. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
latitude |
Double |
The latitude decimal degrees of object |
longitude |
Double |
The longitude decimal degrees of object |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
Address |
SvAddress |
Address Object |
Alertdescription |
String |
The text description of the alert |
alertType |
String |
The Type of alert that fired |
Coordinate |
SvCoordinate |
The coordinate object of where the alert fired |
Criteriadescription |
String |
The rules of the alert that fired |
Message |
String |
The text of the message that was recorded for the fired alert |
Name |
String |
The name of the fired alert |
Priority |
String |
The priority of the fired alert |
receivedTime |
SvDate |
The time when the item that triggered the alert was received by the server. |
timecardName |
String |
Timecard status (On Duty/Logged Out/Logged In/Off Duty/On Break). |
triggeredTime |
SvDate |
The date and time when the item that triggered the alert actually happened. |
workerName |
String |
The name of the worker who triggered the alert. |
Field |
DataType |
Comments |
address |
SvAddress |
Address Object |
coordinate |
SvCoordinate |
Coordinate Object |
distance |
double |
The distance traveled in the segment. The distance is only valid for non-stopped segments |
endTime |
SvDate |
The date and time when the stop or travel segment began |
jobReferenceNumber |
String |
The reference number of a job if the stop occurred on a job |
landmarkName |
String |
The name of the landmark if the stop occurred at a location |
startTime |
SvDate |
The date and time when the stop or travel segment started |
stoppedFlag |
Boolean |
Whether or not the segment was a stop. If true the segment is a stop; if false the segment is a travel segment. |
timecardName |
String |
The timecard status for a segment. The possible statuses are: Logged Off, Logged In, On Duty, On Break |
workerName |
String |
The username of the worker who performed the stop or travel segment. |
Priyanka Bhotika