Mobile Workers may need to submit forms when completing jobs or when they need to provide specific information to the company office:
- Picture of completed repair or delivery as a proof of service
- Customer signature after a job is complete
- Additional Expenses
- Information about the date, branch, customer, etc.
- You have installed and activated the Field Force Manager mobile app on your device.
- Package assigned to your phone number includes access to Forms or Jobs.
- An Ad hoc form is created or a form is attached to a Timesheet or Job action by administrator.
- Open the Field Force Manager mobile app on your device.
- Tap on the Forms icon.
Alternatively, you may be prompted to complete a form when starting/ending your shift or completing job actions. In this case, proceed to step 4.
- Tap on the form that you want to complete.
- Complete the required and optional fields presented in the form - tap on the required field and provide the necessary information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Here are the most common field types:
- Select List - You need to tap on the field and select one of the provided options.
- URL - Tap on the link to review the web page or document provided by administration.
- Signature - Is used to confirm a delivery or service that has been performed. Tap on the field and ask the customer to put their signature using your mobile device, and then tap Save.
- Picture - Tap on the field with a camera icon and take a photo required for this form (e.g., delivered items, repaired device, etc.).
- Date - Enter the date requested in the form (e.g., date of completion of the form or date of the new appointment for the customer).
- Money - Enter dollar value in the field (e.g., additional expenses).
- Text - Enter additional comments or information required in the form.
- Select List - You need to tap on the field and select one of the provided options.
- Once all the information is ready, click Submit to send it to the server.
You can also click Save if you want to enter additional information later by following steps 2-4.
Workers cannot check submitted forms. Managers can review newly submitted forms from the web portal by following the steps below:
- Navigate to Forms > Submitted Forms.
- Click on the required form and select the View Submitted Form Detail option.
All the information submitted via the form is displayed.
Priyanka Bhotika