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Cannot Find Locations


While trying to find Locations, some locations are missing, even though you know they were present.


This problem could arise because of 2 reasons:

Display Filter:

  1. On the left bar of the Locations -> Location List there is a Display Filter Option which would restrict the locations being displayed.
  2. mceclip0.png
  3. Click on the Display Filter and a Popup of Filters comes up, choose the suitable "Location Types" to locate the missing location. If you are unsure of the Location Type of the specific Location, select all the Locations.
  4. mceclip1.png
  5. Click Save & Close

Group Filter

  1. On the left bar of the Locations -> Location List there is a Group Filter Option which would restrict the locations being displayed.
  2. mceclip2.png
  3. Click on the Group Filter and a Popup comes up, choose the Groups with which the Location is associated or choose all the Groups, in case you are not sure which Group the Location is associated with. 
  4. mceclip3.png
  5. Click Save & Close


The required list of Locations is displayed in the List window on the Right.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
